Saturday, February 28, 2009

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Kitty Party

Kitty Party is my best friend, Adele and I's business, it is as of this moment all handmade cat toys, featuring organic catnip or bells.

shop for our goods at
you can also find kitty party toys at Sweet Hickory in Bloomington, IN and New Orleans, LA.

you can reach us at:

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Sunday, February 22, 2009


These works are by Elaina Morgan, a friend, who recently moved from Bloomington to New York.

"isolationist tendencies"
"submarine port"
i own this one:"whats another word for pirates treasure?"
"ham tasty ham shapey"

"without entertaining another thought"

she's beautiful and talented check out

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Saturday, February 21, 2009


ok.. so i'm trying to figure out what i'm good at, what i need,
what i want to do

if anything this blog is a reflection of my complete lack of direction and motivation.

i have so much to say and so many ideas and things i want to do, dabble in.

the list is long and can be vague at times.

but i keep hoping to find something that sticks out.
one or two things to focus my creative energy on, or something that will keep my attention.

but i've realized that might not happen and why should i limit myself anyways.
i've decided to just build an empire out of the unknown.

so if you actually pay attention to this blog, then well, you're patient.
also i don't know what future posts hold.. but i do know
i'm shameless. and i'm a great promoter. therefore this blog and the many other online shits i'm into will end up being very egocentric.
Photobucket World Pictures, Images and Photosget ready world- i'm finally trying.

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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

for the vegetarians part deux

veg society

if you're going to look to the internet for vegetarian support/advice or info try instead of peta.

juice recipes.
vegetables Pictures, Images and Photos

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Monday, February 2, 2009

killer ice

sharky ice whoa!


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