'Veggie Love': PETA's Banned Super Bowl Ad
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PETA is so ridiculous..
i guess they do a lot in promoting vegetarianism
but as a company they are hypocrites.
PETA stoops to using half-truths, innuendo and sometimes outright lies to push their own agenda. They do not properly accredit information in all of their press releases.
In their Aug. 22, 2003 Weekly E-news, PETA encourages people to buy a cellular phone through the organization in order to help save animals.
I guess they didn't do their homework on this one, on two counts. One of the metals used in some cellphones is coltan. It's mined in the Democratic Republic of Congo. In a World Heritage Site - Kahuzi Biega National Park, the home of one of the last remaining populations of eastern lowland gorillas. Not only is the environment being devastated, gorillas and other primates are being killed for "bush meat" to feed workers.
If you want to read more about it, visit ecoworld
"From July 1998 through the end of 2005, PETA killed over 14,400 dogs, cats, and other "companion animals" -- at its Norfolk, Virginia headquarters. That's more than five defenseless animals every day. Not counting the dogs and cats PETA spayed and neutered, the group put to death over 90 percent of the animals it took in during 2005 alone. And its angel-of-death pattern shows no sign of changing." from PETA kills ANIMALS

1 comment:
I think PETA is definitely misinformed or at least under-informed about what they promote. Another example is their promotion of the veggie burger at Burger King when it was introduced, even though that very clearly counteracts any ideology that the typical vegetarian would subscribe to. Supporting BK is supporting factory farming plain and simple, but I do believe their heart is in the right place. I think they could use an overhaul in respect to how far they're willing to delve into an issue before promoting it.
Further, regarding petakillsanimals.com, I think that it's unfortunate they should say so. Any idea as to whether it's run by non-vegetarians just trying to stir things up? It is so far contradictory of what PETA strives to achieve that it's sincerely comical. I've read the content of the blog and found that an animal shelter is less than 4 miles away from the PETA headquarters. My question is- why would PETA be spending on euthanizing animals when they could (since the blog is set on critiquing PETA's thrifty spending habits) simply transport them to the shelter? Also, perhaps they are under the supervision and recommendation of the shelter when they perform the euthanasia. We'll never know. The short of the issue is that all the energy put into bashing a not for profit entity that is, in it's heart of hearts, doing the right thing albeit sloppily and with haste, could be put into shutting down corporate machines like Huntington Life Sciences, who are the real animal murderers.
Perhaps you could do a piece on what you think about the ALF, vivisection and how it pertains to human health or your take on the mass genocide of animals used for experiments and out of pure disregard is similar or not similar to the Nazi holocaust. I'd be interested to read it.
Pardon my long response, I have SO much more to say. I enjoyed your blog and hope you write more about animal welfare and your ideas. Even better, maybe we could discuss them. We're friends on facebook ;)
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